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Saving the World Especially Carefully on Friday Afternoons

Although you may be familiar with #FridaysForFuture , you may not yet be appropriately acquainted with the Friday afternoon work of the Spirit of Enlightenment.  The work began many centuries ago.  It continues to this day. Yet only enlightened beings take notice.  Most people are either too ignorant or too arrogant to do so. Overcoming ignorance can only happen if people are willing to acknowledge the truth. Overcoming arrogance can only happen if people are willing to acknowledge the rights of everyone, including future generations. The Spirit of Enlightenment presides eternally over the EverTime.  You preside temporarily over real time, at all times of the day and night, on every day of the week. You have a duty to lead people away from ignorance and arrogance and towards enlightenment. Please demonstrate your leadership appropriately. Compose a suitable resolution and follow it consistently. Find the information you most urgently require and learn from history. Communicate wisely.

Invoking Assistance

From an equanimous political middle world, Dressed in beautiful brocade, An ethereal lady sings a serenade. Do you feel afraid? As Muse of the World, invoked here gently As a truthful aide, The vastness of this moment, To you will be conveyed. Glory be to good . Real philanthropy is necessary . Cruelty is NOT normal . How do you prefer to show your appreciation of Amazing Twaklin Tidings , and with whom?   What are you offering to future global history ?   How have you expressed civility today ?   Where have you found great joy ?  Who has funded your access to this initial invocation process? What do you understand the meaning here to be? You have received an ethereal invitation to learn about the Trust . How do you usually interpret notable moments ? How have you already tried to improve yourself?   And when have you sought assistance ?

The World's Most Respectable Endowment Fund

The world's most respectable endowment fund is mainly dedicated to supporting free public access to enlightening information, such as the information you are currently reading. Enlightening information supports enlightened statecraft. In the absence of enlightened statecraft, the endowment fund supports various other useful crafts . Suitably registered patrons have access to information about the fund and the associated charitable trust .  What do you already know about the endowment fund and the Twaklin Trust ?

Great Joy

If you have accurately interpreted the recent message here about civility today , you will have become aware of the necessity to express suitable patronage towards that pursuit, every day. Civility provides great joy to enlightened beings. Unenlightened beings take civility for granted when it is present and devalue it in various other ways.  How have you been investing in civility ? What have you learned from Twaklin about civility? Are you sure you understand why real philanthropy is necessary for the provision of suitable civility to be possible? If so, how do you define wealth in relation to simplicity and civility? These are obviously very simple questions but they are apparently difficult for most people to answer adequately. Real philanthropy expresses beautiful civility. What do you express Any self-indulgent activity is not an investment.  It is consumerism. There is nothing self-indulgent about civility. What do you know about civility in Australia ?

Civility Today

What do you understand about civility? What do you know about enlightened statecraft in relation to civility, understanding and trust ? How are you contributing to good in the world? If the Council of Enlightenment's assessment of you is correct, you are unlikely to be a registered patron of any sort in this digital vicinity, and unlikely to become one.  You apparently lack appropriate initiative, an appropriate sense of priorities, and an appropriate awareness of the importance of civility. What do you think you know about ethereal volunteering through the art and science of suitable civility? If you express civility quite well, you will know that cruelty is NOT normal . How do you contribute to the upkeep of civility in relation to authentic living?   Authentic Living - Episode 1 Authentic Living - Episode 2 Authentic Living - Episode 3 Authentic Living - Episode 4 Authentic Living - Episode 5 Authentic Living - Episode 6 Authentic Living - Episode 7 Authentic Living - Ep

The Enlightened Society for Future Global History

Public policy has long been held to ransom by kleptocrats with delusions of grandeur. Nothing will improve in the future.  It will only become worse and worse.   Dystopian experiences are already common in many parts of the world, as they have been in the past. With systematic corruption, systemic incompetence and widespread indifference blatantly self-evident everywhere today, how did that situation arise? Who, if anyone, is still alive after trying to prevent such cruelty from happening? You may frequently discover that it is necessary to reinterpret messages to find the truth behind them. Real free speech expresses truth and fairness. Real free trade expresses truth and fairness. Without truth and fairness, there is no freedom, no justice and no hope of fairness arising. The most significant flaw in all political systems is optimum bias. All statistics relating to global improvements are superficial at best but mostly deceptive in reality.  Most actions claimed to be good are supe


If you appreciate access to any of the services provided to you by, or on behalf of, Twaklin, the Spirit of Enlightenment, please indicate that appreciation as soon as possible. If you are adequately appreciative, how do you intend to show it ?