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Cruelty is NOT Normal

How do you define cruelty, and why?

How do you define normality, and why?

How well do you understand that cruelty is NOT normal?

Enlightened beings understand that cruelty is NOT normal.

Are you an enlightened being?

In order to understand what is truly good and distinguish it from what is not, a good person knows that it is first necessary to be adequately enlightened.

A good person acts to prevent cruelty.

A good person acts to preserve normality.

This is why enlightened definitions are important.

Are you a practitioner of enlightened statecraft?

Acting to prevent cruelty is admirable and therefore honourable.

The most effective way to prevent cruelty is by preserving normality.

Defining normality as the absence of cruelty is obviously quite useful.

Unfortunately, there is much cruelty in the world.

Many cruel people believe themselves to be admired.

Only cruelty is abnormal. 

Only goodness is admirable.

Cruel individuals tend to define anyone unlike themselves as abnormal.

How do you tell the difference between the unusual and the abnormal?

There is nothing socially, culturally or morally wrong about the unusual, unlike cruelty.

How do you think about health and healing in relation to normality?

How do you think about illness, injury and psychological stress in relation to normality, and cruelty?

There is nothing good about being ill, being injured and/or being psychologically stressed yet these are normal experiences in life.

There is nothing wrong with feeling ill, feeling pain and/or being psychologically stressed.

Anyone saying otherwise is cruel.

Alleviating suffering is good whenever suffering is truly alleviated.

Preventing the alleviation of suffering is cruel.

Claiming to alleviate suffering while perpetuating it is especially cruel.

How do you attempt to alleviate suffering?

How do you attempt to help other people to do so?

How do you attempt to prevent cruelty?

What do you know about psychological resilience?

How do you attempt to glorify the good?

How do you support the work of the Twaklin Trust?

Twaklin exists in the part of your consciousness known as your conscience.

Apparently your conscience is unusually small.  It is cluttered with various confusions, worries and biases.

If you are seeking a clear conscience, how do you intend to acquire one?

Cruel people tend to believe themselves to have clear consciences even though they have no conscience at all.  They merely have cluttered egos.

To prevent cruelty, real philanthropy is necessary.

Far too many cruel people describe themselves as philanthropists to disguise their cruelty.

Real philanthropy is an expression of normality, not wealth.

Twaklin is seeking to clear your conscience of clutter so that it can shine with enlightenment.  She is ready with her polishing cloth to assist you, if you will allow her to begin the task.

Preventing cruelty is a great deed and therefore heroic.

The cruel is the enemy of the good.

The cruel is common.  The good is rare.

Twaklin is entirely good.  She therefore has many enemies.

Are you adequately acquainted with the history of glory

Much work on behalf of Twaklin is currently conducted ethereally from Frugality Cottage in the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter.

What is your awareness of that work?

There is obviously no cruelty permitted in or around the cottage.  Everything there is the epitome of enlightened normality.

Perhaps you take your conscience along to Frugality Cottage quite often, if you have that privilege.

Cruel people associate privileges with advancing the grandiose delusions they carry with them on most occasions.

Good people associate privileges with higher levels of responsibility.

When good people are overwhelmed with responsibilities, they cannot prevent cruelty.  They may even begin to perpetrate it themselves when under too much stress.

Twaklin wishes you to take your responsibilities seriously.  The privileges she currently offers you may not last long.

Are you willing to offer her the chance to polish your conscience?
